Thursday, March 8, 2012


Open office

Apache OpenOffice, commonly known as OpenOffice.orgOOo or OpenOffice, is an open-source office productivity software suite whose main components are for word processingspreadsheetspresentationsgraphics, and databases. OpenOffice is available for a number of different computer operatingHYPERLINK "" systems, is distributed as free software and is written using its own GUIHYPERLINK "" toolkit.
spreadsheet similar to Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3. Calc can export spreadsheets to the PDF format. (See ooWriter entry, above, for details of PDF). Calc provides a number of features not present in Excel, including a system which automatically defines series for graphing, based on the layout of the user’s data. Calc Features Calc is a spreadsheet application that you can use to calculate, analyze, and manage your data. You can also import and modify Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Calculations Calc provides you with functions, including statistical and banking functions, that you can use to create formulas to perform complex calculations on your data.
You can also use the Function Wizard to help you create your formulas.
What-If Calculations
An interesting feature is to be able to immediately view the results of changes made to one factor of calculations that are composed of several factors. For instance, you can see how changing the time period in a loan calculation affects the interest rates or repayment amounts. Furthermore, you can manage larger tables by using different predefined scenarios.
Database Functions
Use spreadsheets to arrange, store, and filter your data. Calc lets you drag-and-drop tables from databases, or lets you use a spreadsheet as a data source for creating form letters in Writer.
Arranging Data
With a few mouse-clicks, you can reorganize your spreadsheet to show or hide certain data ranges, or to format ranges according to special conditions, or to quickly calculate subtotals and totals.
Dynamic Charts Calc lets you present spreadsheet data in dynamic charts that update automatically when the data changes.
Opening and Saving Microsoft Files
Use the filters to convert Excel files, or to open and save in a variety of other formats.

Functions by Category
This section describes the functions of Calc. The various functions are divided into categories in the Function Wizard.
This section deals with functions used with data organized as one row of data for one record.
These spreadsheet functions are used for inserting and editing dates and times.
This category contains the mathematical finance functions of Calc.
This category contains the Information functions.
This category contains the Logical functions.
This category contains the Mathematical functions for Calc.
This category contains the array functions.
This category contains the Statistics functions.
This section contains descriptions of the Spreadsheet functions together with an example.
This section contains descriptions of the Text functions.
The following describes and lists some of the available add-in functions.
Operators are also available.

Using Charts in lets you present data graphically in a chart, so that you can visually compare data series and view trends in the data. You can insert charts into spreadsheets, text documents, drawings, and presentations.

Chart Data

Charts can be based on the following data:
1.    Spreadsheet values from Calc cell ranges
2.    Cell values from a Writer table
3.    Values that you enter in the Chart Data Table dialog (you can create these charts in Writer, Draw, or Impress, and you can copy and paste them also to Calc)

To insert a chart

Inserting Charts
Choosing a Chart Type

To edit a chart

1.    Click a chart to edit the object properties:
Size and position on the current page.
Alignment, text wrap, outer borders, and more.
2.    Double-click a chart to enter the chart edit mode:
Chart data values (for charts with own data).
Chart type, axes, titles, walls, grid, and more.
3.    Double-click a chart element in chart edit mode:
Double-click an axis to edit the scale, type, color, and more.
Double-click a data point, or a data series in the legend, to edit the graphical values of the data series.
With a data series selected, double-click a single data point to edit the properties of this data point (for example, a single bar in a bar chart).
Double-click any other chart element, or click the element and open the Format menu, to edit the properties.
4.    Click outside the chart to leave the current edit mode.
To print a chart in high quality, you can export the chart to a PDF file and print that file.

In chart edit mode, you see the Formatting Bar for charts.
You can right-click an element of a chart to open the context menu. The context menu offers many commands to format the selected element.

The following menu commands are available for spreadsheets.
The window containing the document you want to work on must be selected in order to use the menu commands. Similarly, you must select an object in the document to use the menu commands associated with the object.

The menus are context sensitive. This means that those menu items are available that are relevant to the work currently being carried out. If the cursor is located in a text, then all of those menu items are available that are needed to edit the text. If you have selected graphics in a document, then you will see all of the menu items that can be used to edit graphics.

These commands apply to the current document, open a new document, or close the application.
This menu contains commands for editing the contents of the current document.
This menu contains commands for controlling the on-screen display of the document.
The Insert menu contains commands for inserting new elements, such as cells, rows, sheets and cell names into the current sheet.
The Format menu contains commands for formatting selected cells, objects, and cell contents in your document.
The Tools menu contains commands to check spelling, to trace sheet references, to find mistakes and to define scenarios.
Use the Data menu commands to edit the data in the current sheet. You can define ranges, sort and filter the data, calculate results, outline data, and open the DataPilot.
Contains commands for manipulating and displaying document windows.
The Help menu allows you to start and control the Help system.


This submenu lists the toolbars that are available in spreadsheets.This overview describes the default toolbar configuration for

Standard Bar

The Standard bar is available in every application.

Formatting Bar

The Formatting bar contains basic commands for applying manually formatting.

Tools Bar

Use the Tools bar to access commonly used commands.

Formula Bar

Use this bar to enter formulas.

Picture Bar

The Picture bar is displayed when you insert or select a picture in a sheet.

Drawing Object Properties Bar

The Drawing Object Properties Bar for objects that you select in the sheet contains formatting and alignment commands.

Text Formatting Bar

The Text Formatting Bar that is displayed when the cursor is in a text object, such as a text frame or a drawing object, contains formatting and alignment commands.

Page Preview Bar

The Page Preview Bar is displayed when you choose File - Page Preview.

Hyperlink Bar

Use the Hyperlink Bar to create and edit the hyperlinks in your documents, and to enter criteria for searches using the available Internet search engines.

Status Bar

The Status Bar displays information about the current sheet.


Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Insert toolbar, where you can add graphics and special characters to the current sheet.

Shortcut Keys for Spreadsheets
Some of the shortcut keys may be assigned to your desktop system. Keys that are assigned to the desktop system are not available to Try to assign different keys either for, in Tools - Customize - Keyboard, or in your desktop system.

To fill a selected cell range with the formula that you entered on the Input line, press Alt+Enter. Hold down Alt+Enter+Shift to apply the cell format of the input cell to the entire cell range.

To create a matrix in which all the cells contain the same information as what you entered on the Input line, press Shift+Ctrl+Enter. You cannot edit the components of the matrix.

To select multiple cells in different areas of a sheet, hold down Ctrl and drag in the different areas.

To select multiple sheets in a spreadsheet, hold down Ctrl, and then click the name tabs at the lower edge of the workspace. To select only one sheet in a selection, hold down Shift, and then click the name tab of the sheet.

To insert a manual line break in a cell, click in the cell, and then press Ctrl+Enter.

To delete the contents of selected cells, press Delete. This opens the Delete Contents dialog, where you choose which contents of the cell you want to delete. To delete the contents of selected cells without a dialog, press the Backspace key.
Navigating in Spreadsheets
Shortcut Keys
Moves the cursor to the first cell in the sheet (A1).
Moves the cursor to the last cell on the sheet that contains data.
Moves the cursor to the first cell of the current row.
Moves the cursor to the last cell of the current row.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Moves the cursor to the left edge of the current data range. If the column to the left of the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves to the next column to the left that contains data.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Moves the cursor to the right edge of the current data range. If the column to the right of the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves to the next column to the right that contains data.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Moves the cursor to the top edge of the current data range. If the row above the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves up to the next row that contains data.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Moves the cursor to the bottom edge of the current data range. If the row below the cell that contains the cursor is empty, the cursor moves down to the next row that contains data.
Selects all cells containing data from the current cell to the end of the continuous range of data cells, in the direction of the arrow pressed. If used to select rows and columns together, a rectangular cell range is selected.
Ctrl+Page Up
Moves one sheet to the left.
In the page preview: Moves to the previous print page.
Ctrl+Page Down
Moves one sheet to the right.
In the page preview: Moves to the next print page.
Alt + Page Up
Moves one screen to the left.
Alt + Page Down
Moves one screen page to the right.
Shift+Ctrl+Page Up
Adds the previous sheet to the current selection of sheets. If all the sheets in a spreadsheet are selected, this shortcut key combination only selects the previous sheet. Makes the previous sheet the current sheet.
Shift+Ctrl+Page Down
Adds the next sheet to the current selection of sheets. If all the sheets in a spreadsheet are selected, this shortcut key combination only selects the next sheet. Makes the next sheet the current sheet.
Ctrl + *
where (*) is the multiplication sign on the numeric key pad
Selects the data range that contains the cursor. A range is a contiguous cell range that contains data and is bounded by empty row and columns.
Ctrl + /
where (/) is the division sign on the numeric key pad
Selects the matrix formula range that contains the cursor.
Ctrl+Plus key
Insert cells (as in menu Insert - Cells)
Ctrl+Minus key
Delete cells (as in menu Edit - Delete Cells)
Enter (in a selected range)
Moves the cursor down one cell in a selected range. To specify the direction that the cursor moves, choose Tools - Options - Calc - General.
Ctrl + ` (see note below this table)
Displays or hides the formulas instead of the values in all cells.

The ` key is located next to the "1" key on most English keyboards. If your keyboard does not show this key, you can assign another key: Choose Tools - Customize, click the Keyboard tab. Select the "View" category and the "Toggle Formula" function.

Function Keys Used in Spreadsheets
Shortcut Keys
Displays the comment that is attached to the current cell
Switches to Edit mode and places the cursor at the end of the contents of the current cell. Press again to exit Edit mode.
If the cursor is in an input box in a dialog that has a Minimize button, the dialog is hidden and the input box remains visible. Press F2 again to show the whole dialog.
Opens the Function Wizard.
Moves the cursor to the Input line where you can enter a formula for the current cell.
Opens the Define Names dialog.
Shows or Hides the Database explorer.
Rearranges the relative or absolute references (for example, A1, $A$1, $A1, A$1) in the input field.
Shows or hides the Navigator.
Traces dependents.
Traces precedents.
Moves the cursor from the Input line to the Sheet area box.
Checks spelling in the current sheet.
Opens the Thesaurus if the current cell contains text.
Turns additional selection mode on or off. In this mode, you can use the arrow keys to extend the selection. You can also click in another cell to extend the selection.
Highlights cells containing values.
Recalculates changed formulas in the current sheet.
Recalculates all formulas in all sheets.
Updates the selected chart.
Opens the Styles and Formatting window where you can apply a formatting style to the contents of the cell or to the current sheet.
Creates a document template.
Updates the templates.
Groups the selected data range.
Ungroups the selected data range.
Alt + Down Arrow
Increases the height of current row.
Alt + Up Arrow
Decreases the height of current row.
Alt + Right Arrow
Increases the width of the current column.
Alt + Left Arrow
Decreases the width of the current column.
Alt+Shift+Arrow Key
Optimizes the column width or row height based on the current cell.

Formatting Cells Using Shortcut Keys
The following cell formats can be applied with the keyboard:
Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+1 (not on the number pad)
Open Format Cells dialog
Ctrl+Shift+1 (not on the number pad)
Two decimal places, thousands separator
Ctrl+Shift+2 (not on the number pad)
Standard exponential format
Ctrl+Shift+3 (not on the number pad)
Standard date format
Ctrl+Shift+4 (not on the number pad)
Standard currency format
Ctrl+Shift+5 (not on the number pad)
Standard percentage format (two decimal places)
Ctrl+Shift+6 (not on the number pad)
Standard format

Using the DataPilot
Changes the focus by moving forwards through the areas and buttons of the dialog.
Changes the focus by moving backwards through the areas and buttons of the dialog.
up arrow
Moves the focus up one item in the current dialog area.
down arrow
Moves the focus down one item in the current dialog area.
left arrow
Moves the focus one item to the left in the current dialog area.
right arrow
Moves the focus one item to the right in the current dialog area.
Selects the first item in the current dialog area.
Selects the last item in the current dialog area.
Alt and the underlined character in the word "Row"
Copies or moves the current field into the "Row" area.
Alt and the underlined character in the word "Column"
Copies or moves the current field into the "Column" area.
Alt and the underlined character in the word "Data"
Copies or moves the current field into the "Data" area.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Moves the current field up one place.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Moves the current field down one place.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Moves the current field one place to the left.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Moves the current field one place to the right.
Moves the current field to the first place.
Moves the current field to the last place.
Displays the options for the current field.
Removes the current field from the area.

Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by F4)
Shortcut keys
Toggles row selection, except when the row is in edit mode.
Toggles row selection
Selects the current column
Moves pointer to the first row
Moves pointer to the last row

Reported by:
Solosa, Elysian Amour
Ramos, Krystelle Primrose
Empalmado, Mary Jane


mj empalmado said...

this is our report "about the spreadsheet" opr calc.;';'

it will surely jelp us future teachers to compute grades thru computers:)

mj empalmado said...

this is our report "about the spreadsheet" opr calc.;';'

it will surely jelp us future teachers to compute grades thru computers:)

Arriane said...

thanks for the info..
this post helps me a lot about the shortcuts in the spreadsheet..

ardywizard said...

Nice blog MJ:D hmm di kanosebleed talaga yung ibang lessons sa MSC. \:C haha!! keep it up.

mj empalmado said...


hope so.. pero sna di gaanong complicated ang quetions sa finals sa msc2:)\

open office:
text document

mj empalmado said...

aaron dy:

you too dy!

tnks a lot:)

Anonymous said...

Andme namn nyannn....

Marlen Chel said...

this is sorta mahaba, haha. but it'll help :)) ehosera, taglish. LOL. :))

Franceen Pablo said...

nice blog very informative and it is very helpful for students :)

Franceen Pablo said...

very informative blog :)

mj empalmado said...

to anonymous:

that's true

I dont know where to start in reviewing msc2,;;

mj empalmado said...

to marlen :

yes! it is!

try to read about it:)

mj empalmado said...

to france pablo:

tnx for viewing my blog.'

hope you learn from it,;
