New Era University
College of Education
A Detailed Lesson Plan
In SPED 9-10
MW- 11:30-1:00
“Lacing and Tying of Shoes”
Functional Domain
I. Objectives:
At the end of the day’s
lesson the pupils are expected to:
a. Identify the things need to tie and lace shoes.
b. Accomplish lacing and tying of shoes.
c. Appreciate the importance of shoes, lacing and tying it.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: “Lacing and Tying of Shoes”
Replica of
Visual aids
Socks and
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary
1. Prayer
2. Checking
of attendance
Classroom management
B. Review of Past Lesson
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
Children, do you remember
our past lesson?
Can you tell me what it is?
Yes, __________?
Very good _____.
Does anyone can remember on
how to put socks into feet? Yes ______?
Why do we have to check that
socks and our feet are clean? Yes,____?
Very good _____. After that,
what comes next? Yes, _____?
Very good ____. You’ve
listened attentively in last day’s lesson. I have a model of feet here; can you put a
sock on it?
Very good ____. You’ve
listened attentively in last day’s lesson.
Yes teacher
Our past lesson was about putting
socks into our feet.
(children are raising their
Teacher, before putting
socks into our feet, we have to check that our feet and socks are cleaned.
It’s because we can get skin
diseases in wearing dirty socks.
Teacher, in putting socks,
we have to know where the right and left sock is in order to correctly fit
the socks into our feet.
Yes teacher. (pupil put on
socks into feet)
C. Motivation (“Loop de Loop”
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
Children, do you know
Ok, let me teach you to sing
this fun song. It was a song from one of the episode in Spongebob Square
Pants. Kindly stand and follow me to sing the song?
The lyrics are post on the
board and just follow it ok.
Are there any questions?
Yes teacher!
Yes, teacher (pupils stand)
Yes teacher
(play the song and followed
by the pupils)
Nothing teacher.
(children are enjoying the
D. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
Very good children for participating.
That song is connected in our today’s topic which is lacing and tying of
shoes. Again what our topic for today? Yes _____?
Very good ______.
Last day we know how to put socks
in our feet so, now we will discuss on how to lace and tie shoes. Do you want
to know how to do it?
Ok, now I have a big shoe here. Is
it colourful children?
So before lacing and tying the
shoes, may I asked from the class, why do we need to wear shoes, sandals or
slippers? Yes, ______?
Very good _____. Shoes give
protection and comfort while we are doing activities like playing outside,
walking along the street and others. So, in lacing and tying of shoes, it’s
an easy thing to do. Am I right children?
(teacher holding the shoe and
The most common lacing method, is criss-cross
lacing, it is also one of the strongest and most efficient. So, just sit on down where you are
comfortable with then take a lace, divide the lace into two so that it should
be balance, then run the shoelaces
through the first holes or hooks to hold together the sides of the shoe.
Go over and back, left to right then pull them tight.
(Teacher is demonstrating).
That is the way in lacing your shoes.
After lacing, we will do tying the shoes.
(teacher holding the laced shoe)
lacing the last hole or hook, the lace is ready to be tied. Loop de loop is
the way in tying shoes. It’s easy. When tying the half-knots, a right-over-left
half knot followed by a left-over-right half knot (or vice versa) forms a
square. Also, securing the shoe, this also takes up the length of shoelace
exposed after tightening. The common bow consists of two half knots tied one
on top of the other, with the second half-knot looped in order to allow for
quick untying. When required, the knot can be readily loosened by pulling one
or both of the loose ends.
you understand children? Is it easy right?
So now, are you the one who will lace and
tie your shoes?
Our topic for today is all
about lacing and tying of shoes teacher.
Yes teacher!
Yes teacher, it is colorful.
Teacher it is because it will help to protect and give comfort to us while
doing different activities.
Yes teacher.
(pupils listening attentively)
(pupils listening
Yes teacher, it is easy.
Yes teacher
E. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
In this day’s lesson, what
have you learn children? Yes,______?
Very good___ . What else?
Very good____. So, you know
now how to lace and tie your shoes. Are you going to let your mother or
father or your yaya to lace and tie
your shoes?
Very good ______. It is easy
to lace and tie our shoes right?
Very good children, you
listened carefully in today’s topic.
I learn how to lace and tie
I learn that shoes, sandals
and slippers are the things we need to wear in order to protect and give
comfort to our day living.
No need teacher, because we
can do it in our own.
Yes teacher. And also I can
help my parents even doing small things like lacing and tying of my shoes or
even my siblings or my parents’ shoes either.
G. Exercises
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
Now, let’s have a simple
activity. Do you want it children?
Ok, I will present object
then identify what it is.
(Teacher presenting the
Yes ______?
Very good ____.
(Teacher presenting a pair
of sock)
Yes ______?
Very good ____.
(Teacher presenting a pair
of lace)
Yes ______?
Very good children.
Yes teacher!
Yes teacher.
It’s a shoe teacher.
It’s a pair of sock teacher.
Yes teacher
It’s a lace teacher.
IV. Evaluation:
Bring out a pair of shoes and laces. Try to lace and tie the shoes
properly as I instructed earlier. The first person who will present the shoes
being laced and tied properly will have a special prize.
IV. Assignment:
Try at home to lace and tie shoes of your parents, siblings or even
yours and provide pictures of it.
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