Friday, March 29, 2013

“Initiation in Multiplication” LP

A Semi-Detailed
Lesson Plan In
 Math I II and III

Schedule: MWF 10:00-11:00

Initiation in Multiplication

I.          Objectives:
At the end of the day’s lesson, pupils are expected to:
A.     Realize that the multiplication is a abbreviate addition.
B.     Group by 2 , 3 ... till 10 without remainder ( rest )
C.     Group in a concrete and a schematic way per 2, 3,4...
D.     Put into words the number of equal groups.
E.      Make use of time
F.      Realize that the multiplication is a abbreviate addition and,
G.     Recognize the symbol x , use it at the note down and put it into words as time

II.        Subject Matter:
A.        Topic: Initiation in multiplication.
B.         References: Google
C.         Materials:
Plastic bags
Sticks or bars

III.       Procedure:

A.        Daily Routine:
1.         Check the cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
2.         Prayer
3.         Check the attendance

B.         Motivation:
“Last is First”

C.         Lesson Proper:
Lesson preparation
Grade 1

Lesson Activities
A. Introduction
The teacher tells the story.
Bakers prepare a lot of rolls on Sunday.
These rolls are put in bags.
Bags with two rolls, 3 rolls, 4 rolls ...
In the past bakers wrote their calculations like this:
 2 rolls + 2 rolls + 2 rolls + 2 rolls ...
3 rolls + 3 rolls + 3 rolls + 3 rolls ...
4 rolls + 4 rolls + 4 rolls + 4 rolls ...
Bakers who sold a lot of rolls must make yards long accounts.
One day, while all the other bakers of a village were doing their accounts, baker Allan made a walk in the city centre with his wife.
All the other bakers were looking very surprised through the window.
Why baker Allan was not doing his counts like they were doing ?
Curious to know what is happening they asked some explanations.
Look, told baker Allan,, I was tired of making every day these long bills. During the baking I thought about the problem and one day I had an idea: instead of note down separate every bag with 3 rolls , I wrote:
20 bags of 3 ...
10 bags of 2...
30 bags of 4...
 The other bakers followed the example of baker Phiri resulting in that all the bakers could now make a walk with their wive every Sunday of the year.
B. Development


- in bags of two rolls...

- we count  : 10 bags of  2 rolls and the teachers write on the blackboard 

10 bags of two or 2 + 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 =

See the difference

- In bags of three...
   We count 6 bags of 3 and note on the blackboard
  6 bags of 3 or 3+3+3+3+3+3 =

Work on the  demonstration table and the blackboard

 How much does that make together?
The 5 bags are on the demonstration table, in each bag 2 rolls. Put a rope around it like a set. We are grouping.
5 bags of two is ten
2+2+2+2+2 = 10
Draw in a set 5 bags with 2 rolls on the BB.
Let explain the children and note.
Group also with 3, 1, 4...
Let explain the children and note.
Let realize the children that 5 bags of two rolls is the same as 2+2+2+2+2.

C. Evaluation

Working with the arithmetic box and the arithmetic bars.

Lay 5 bars with number 2
What do this make?
We note and the children explain, repeat :

          2+2+2+2+2= 10
      or 5 bars of  2  equals 10
      or 5 time 2 equals 10
Make more of these exercises with the arithmetic bars.
   - Lay 3 bars of 3
     Lay 8 bars of 1
     Lay 1 bar of 6
The children must always explain and note.

D. Worksheet

a. The teachers tell the story.

b The teacher put the rolls of baker Allan in the bags.
Some rolls are lying on the demonstration table and sticks or bars.


Writing on the blackboard.


Writing on the blackboard.

Demonstrate with a rope = set

Drawing on the blackboard



 Exercises with the AB

Lesson preparation
Grade 2

Lesson Activities
Teach the same lesson as in Grade 1 to refresh the children’s mind.
A. Introduction

We operate with the arithmetic box.
*Lay 6 bars of three.

How much is this together?
Put into words : 3+3+3+3+3+3 = 18
                      6 times 3  = 18
*Lay 3 bars of six

How much is this together?
Put into words:  6+6+6= 18
                          3 times 6 = 18
We make as much as possible of these exercise still the whole class understands the principle.

0 times...
1 times...

B. Development

1. We train the signs.

The teacher writes on the board the word plus
Let it read by some children.
Teacher asks: which short sign do we use for plus? 
And for minus?  -
And for times, groups, bags?    x 
We all say times.

a. We train effortlessly

- The teacher has cards with + , - , x , = , >, <
- The children have to put in words every card like:   +  plus, more, the sum, add, enumerate...
          - minus, less, the difference, reduce,...
          x times, groups, bags, bars...

b. We use and put into words   x- 3 x 6  ( on the BB)
The task must be execute with bars, draw in a set,...
- The children are looking for the operation and put it into words.

2. We make carpets, walls and steps with the arithmetic box or with paperclips.

An example:
*We let discover the children that the multiplications form a group, in which the .............................. quality appears.

*Give the children the task to make a x wall with bar 8.
Let them find out.
After they did it we bring the solution on the BB.
We do the same for 10, 14,15,16,18,20.
We make steps of 2,3,4...
- The pupils make a step with bar 2.
- The put into words and mention x or times

3. We work with the presentation of sets, arrows,...

We operate  first  with the magic box.
two examples:
- On the magic box is x  2 , that means: what you put in the magic box will be two times bigger when it comes out of the MB.
- The teacher put bar 3 in the MB
- What is the MB doing? She takes 2 times 3or 3 times 2 ?
- How much will come out of the box?
  2 bars of three that makes 6.
- We note 3  x  2  =  6  also 2  x  3  =  6
- Now you make several exercises like this.
- Instead of taking bars you take cards with numbers.

The MB is doing x, but does not say how many times.
.... times 3  = 12

- Which bar is going into the MB. 3
- How many bars are coming out? 4
- What was the MB doing?   4 x
- How much is this together?

Make more exercises.
Let participate as many children as possible.
C. Evaluation


Lesson preparation
Grade 3


The teacher will divide the class in equal groups. The pupils put into words times; they use the symbol x . The operator must be the first part of the multiplication.


ex. 3 groups with seven children each= 3 x 7 = 21
The division is the inverted relation of the multiplication.
We distinguish the partition and proportion division.
a. The partition division

Father divides 60 kwacha under three children. All of them get the same amount. We know the partition will be under three children, but we don’t know how much each child will get.
The solution: 60 (kwacha) : 3 = 20 (kwacha).
Dividend and quotient can be named, the divider not.

b. The proportion division.

Father divides 60 kwacha under three children. They get each 20 kwacha.
We know how much each child get, but we don’t under how many children the money was divided.
The solution: 60 (kwacha) : 20 (kwacha) = 3 (children)
Question: How many times goes twenty into sixty?

A. The table of multiplication by 2

1. Some suggestions:
- Put a lot of alternation in your lesson.
- Make use of different methods.
- Make sure that all the children acquire insight.
- During the lesson the teacher has to repeat the next terminology, symbols and notions.
          Product = Result of a multiplication (= a shorter notation for the sum of different equal terms.
         Quotient = Result of a division (= a shorter notation for the deduction of different equal numbers)
         Group = make groups of... (= count in groups)
                    = times
                    = divide in...
2. Act and put into words:

 a. The pupils group objects in groups of two, they can also work with bars. The operator must be first, in front.

Put into words:   1 times 2
                           a group of 2

The pupils lay the quantities ( de teacher note the products on the BB): bars, corral chain, hundred field.

0 times 2    0                                            0 x 2 = 0           0 is a multiple of 2
1 times 2    2                                            1 x 2 = 2           2 is a multiple of 2
2 times 2    4                                            2 x 2 = 4           Also 4,6,8 are multiples.
3 times 2    6                                            3 x 2 = 6           Also f.e. 6 is the multiple of three of 2.

b. Then we handle the division table ( only as a proportion division)
How many times bar 2 goes into 2 ?  2  :  2  =  1
How many times bar 2 goes into 4 ?  4  :  2  =  2
How many times bar 2 goes into 6 ?  6  :  2  =  3

Put into words:  4 divided by 2
                          4 in groups of 2

c. You can also put in groups on the counting-frame.

d. On the number axis the multiplier can be fixed on the products.

            1           2                       3                           4                             5                    6                  7  

The children will count on the number axis by 2 from 0 till 20 and back.
How many times 2 goes into 10, into 12 ...

e. The teacher has 4 plastic bags and in each bag he has 3 objects.
  We count 3+3+3+3 = 12 of 4 x 3 = 12
How many plastic bags with stones are there when we have in all 12 stones.

f. Also playing cards and dies can be used.
Look at when you put it into words.
6 are 3 groups of 2
6 is a multiple of 2
6 is the multiple of three of 2
the product of 3 and 2 is 6
2 is a divider of 6µ
2 goes 3 times into 6
0,2,4,6,...are multiples of 2.

3.Mathematise and put into words:

How much is 4  x  2  ?

The children put into words:

4 x 2
4 times 2
4 groups of 2 elements
4 subsets of 2 elements
8 is the quadruple of 2
2 is a divider of 8
How many groups ( subsets) of 2 in 8 ?

Use of the magic box.

. Applications:

Exercises on the BB

Make groups ( subsets)
Draw the subsets and  fill in the label.

12 in groups of 2 = .... groups
12  :  2  =

B. The table of multiplication by 10 , 5

1. Act and put into words.

a. We work analogous  ( ref. table of 2) but we can start our lesson with the hunderd field.

We put into words:

0                    0  x  10  =  0
10                  1  x  10  =  10
10  +  10        2  x  10  =  20
and so on...

How many times 10 goes into 0 ?  0  :  10  =  0     0,10,20 ... are multiples of 10
How many times 10 goes into 10 ? 10  :  10  = 1   0,10,20 ...  are multiples of 10
How many times 10 goes into 20 ? 20  :  10  = 2   10 is a divider of ... ( f.e. 30)
How many times 10 goes into 30 ? 30 : 10 = 3      30 is the multiple of three of 10.

Also how many groups (subsets) of 10 in ...

b. Use of the bars.

c. item for the table of 5

2. Mathematics and put into words:
b. Other applications (write the exercises on  the BB )
1. Make groups (subsets ) of 10                                  Draw yourself and fill in the label.
    40 in groups of 10                                                     4  x  5  =  ...
    40  :  10  =  ...

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